Sunday 20 December 2009

Let it slush, let it slush, let it slush.

Last night in our winter woollies and mugs of hot chocolate (Note: No marshmallows for me, someone once put them in my hot chocolate and I didn't realise. I thought the milk had curled and spat it out all over the place. Starbucks tell me they will remove my ban some time in the spring when hot chocolate goes out of season.) Big fella and I spent the frosty night stargazing from the living room window.

Big fella looking for UFOs
and myself gazing at the moon and the stars.

but then, a strange light came over the sky, and a dark blanket of cotton wool cloud threatened the sky and our view. Big fella and I turned to each other and whispered "Snow's coming!"
We squealed and jumped up and down and then quickly composing ourselves realising their was going to be some confrontation. We both clicked there was no more milk for hot chocolate that every body needs while watching first snow and I sure as hell wasn't going outside.

The next morning I woke up with a start shouting "No marshmallows!!" and squinting my eyes to adjust to my setting. We were lying on our living room floor with hot chocolate all over our faces. I tried to remember what happened before we fell asleep.

Together: (whispering)"Snow's coming! Woohoo! SQUEALLLLL!"
Me:(Thinking) "Gasp! No milk!"
Big Fella: (Thinking) "Gasp! She better go out and get some milk!"
Me: I am not going outside!
Big Fella: Neither am I!
Me: You can drive the ca.................Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Big Fella: No wa.........ZzzzzzzzzzzzSnoreZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I looked out the window to see a swirling mist of snow come from the clouds

and the street was covered! Well, kinda.

and their was some pretty icicles on the windows. (alright, it is slush, don't ruin my illusion!)OK, it was not exactly snow, but it will do me! I must go outside and investigate and take a brisk winter walk. Besides, we need milk and unless I walk the long trek to the shop, I am sure no kind of cow in its right mind would be out in weather like this. I am not making snow angels though, it would be like doing the back stroke through rice pudding. Oh, alright then, maybe later!
I hunted out my trusty snow armour and wee green hat.

my ever faithful gloves with mitten attachment no less. I got these years are going on a weekend away to Amsterdam with Big fella. I can not remember buying them or much else only the chocolate brownies were delicious and I couldn't stop eating them.

Bow to the Per De Resistance, these bad boys! Oh, yes, no worries for me walking in this weather! Trust me, I am not used to such fancy attire, Big fella got me the Santa like boots for Christmas ( giving them to me in October mind you, he can't hold water that boy! He has already found his Christmas presents ages ago. Our Christmas over. Too all new readers, no, he is not my five old child, he is actually my partner of four years. We have no children at the moment as my hands are pretty full at the minute as you can see.)

I stuck on my gear, unsure whether I put the boots on the right feet or not,
and moving at the speed and the look of the marshmallow man out of ghost busters film, I made my way down the stairs to the front door. (Do you see how marsh mallows are haunting my thoughts, that time in Starbucks was a traumatic time for all concerned it would seem..)

I opened the front door only to be blasted in the face by slushy splattering wind. I immediately slammed the door shut, hoping I would never be faced with the like again. I promptly went up the stairs, told big fella to get up from the floor of the living room and help me make a tent and get some milk! He refused and is now lying in his own tent in bed. How lazy is he? He wouldn't even get up to go outside in the......
Anyway, here is my very productive day in snow/ slush from my living room window.

It soon became too cold by the windows and cloud watched on the sofa, dreaming I could fly!

and soon the snow clouds parted,

and life begins again.

Now, as I sit here with my herbal tea dreaming it was hot chocolate, (still no milk) I am thankful for the shelter from the storm and spare a thought for those who do not at this bitterly cold time of year. I am very lucky. Hope you are toasty, cozy and warm wherever you are, if only in heart!
Cheerio for now!

Thursday 5 November 2009

Sirens and Swashbucklers!

Some time ago,my new friends, the gulls told me a secret to thank me for feeding them some bread. As they flew all around me they sang,

"When the mist over the water, slowly rolls in from the east, the ghostly pirates are celebrating to music, dance and feast!"

One rainy day in November, a mist came over the water, and that, according to gull legend, must mean the pirates were coming tonight!

I waited in the safe cocoon of my room and watched as the mist turn the day into night letting monster and crocodile clouds swallowed the sky

and I made my way down to the sea front.
Magically lights were drawn above me leading the pathway

and suddenly a flash of amazing red hair dived by the sea front.

but I could not see what it was.
Further down the path I saw a shining circle of spinning light,
which seemed to come to life!

and a trail of fairy dust seem to emerge
and a fairy flew rapidly around in front of me

which had started to make me dizzy!
She whispered in my ear,

"Can you hear the mermaids song, look out in the water, it shall not be long!"

I glimpsed a faint whisper of a mermaid diving into the deep through the ghostly mist

and the faint mummer of a song could be heard in the distance.

I saw a mermaid dive high up into the air, laughing with delight

and then the sky was alive with mermaids raising up into the sky singing and diving into the sea.

a mermaid dived through the water, her electric white hair blinding me.

Suddenly she rose up, showing the ghostly glowing pirates behind her, walking over the water.

The surrounded me, and I began to become afraid, until the fairy flew in front of my face and said they were welcoming me!
she circled me with fairy dust to protect my fears
and we all danced all night!

Alas late into the wee hour, it was just too much with all that dancing, wine and song and I made my way home. As I turned around the mist covered the scene like a cloak, taking the music, lights and laughter. I looked up into the silent sky,

to see a shooting star.

and soon the clouds broke to produce morning.
I made my way wearily up the stairs to go to bed as I was partied out, and looked out the window to see the last pirate ship sailing into the circle of light to be sunk into their under water world once again.
as I turned around to head for bed, I noticed this bowl of goodies,

the pirates have left me my very own treasure trove!Oh aren't they a lovely bunch of.......Oh my God? How did they get in here?!?

So, next time your outside, have a good listen next time you feed the birds, you never know what they might tell you!

Saturday 17 October 2009

STOP! Hammer time! There's a party over here!

This morning looking out my window, I got such a surprise,
I saw witches on broomsticks stream across the skies.

Then suddenly it hit me, how could I have forgot?
I am holding a Halloween Party tonight,
and I haven't even got a frock!

All day pacing for ideas, I didn't have a clue,
Then I suddenly had one great idea,
I shall ask for the help of the moon.

I have no ideas, I can not think,
I have not even cleaned the kitchen sink!
So I said this incantation into the sky,
and hoped that the moon would help me by!

"Dearest moon so shining bright, Help me host a magical party tonight!"

The moon took shape and whirled in a ball

and whispered through the wind,
"A magical night will be had by all!"

Welcome to the Halloween Party. Please do come in!

The Windowless hallway

Oh, I am so happy you could make it! Before you come in, please do shake the witch snow globe three times and enter the windowless hallway.

Oh, and don't forget to make a wish on a star! You have just got to, it's tradition!

Also in the hallway is a deceiving "other room portal", disguised as a Jack Daniels picture. Honest!

But where does this door lead to?

The Bathtub of Seas and the Star Gazing Sink.Set sail in the bath tub of seas and have a good read of the Witches Week, to keep up to date with all current affairs.

Dip into the giant clam and get some Jammy heart delights!Want to go star gazing? Look no further!

Next door in the hallway leads to The Rose Bed of Dreams Chill out Room!

Some folk like to relax in the mist of a party, it can be crazy in there I know!
So if you feel like chilling out, this is the place to be!

Cozy up in the rose bed of dreams and day dream for some wonderful memories!
Here is what you do.
This the drawers of decision by the Rose bed of dreams. Chose which item you would like as a token for the party. For example, if you chose the dolphin, or the dragonfly.

Now lay on the bed clutching your token and have a wonderful time swimming with dolphins and riding on the back of a dragonfly!

Now, open the wardrobe doors to Narnia!!!

No, not really I am just showing off my outfit for tonight.
Oh dear, I am not dressed! Some magic needed here I think, and pronto!

"Black cloak and dress cover me please, and throw in some nice bangles.
Oh, and please, I beg of you if just for tonight, don't let those heels break my ankles"

Where is my hat, I am sure I had it before,
never mind, no magic needed
there it is, hanging on the door!

Now into the heart of the party!
There is the magical fish tank which is home to pirate ship wrecks and treasure!

The glass dome of mermaid tears protects the ship wrecks

and here is the treasure!

The money bottle is corked with fire.

but I would be more worried about the ghost who guards the treasure!
Mmmmm, cookies!
Let's sit and have our futures told!
with the sand timer forever keeping time moving

Here is the torrent room!
Look out the window................................

for ghostly pirate ships sailing by!

Oh, I see a crystal ball!

Let's take a peek!

Hold on! I can hear music, where is it coming from?

My, the elephant is playing the trumpet!and the plants are swaying to make a beat!
and the wee witch is conducting them!

A beautiful singing voice is radiating the room.

The biscuit moon is belting out old rat pack tunes! Wonderful!After, it was request time, and I want a bit of Village People!

M...........................look at my moves, I am Grease lightening!
I love dancing!

Meanwhile, the ghost protecting the treasure could be seen eyeing up my moves.

and give it some MC hammer in the place!
Wow, what a show! That ghost can bust a move! I am so tired after all that dancing, I need to sit down.

and blow some bubbles!

and show off my favourite (only) magic trick, two left hands, one right! (Or should that be two right hands, one left? Mmmmm, I need to think..............................)Now, time for some food and drinks!

This is the witches Kitchen. This is where spells and potions are made.

Now, what can we conjure up to eat?

A hearty tasty stew perhaps...................................Nah, how about some pizza? Yay!!

What can we have for dessert?

"With a wave of my wrist and flutter of fingers,
Doughnuts and eclairs are what my heart lingers!"

Stuffed!! Now, some tea to wash it down!

The witches kitchen has a fine selection of teas including Rose hip tea, Astral travel tea, and Potent tea potion.

Potent tea potion? I like the sound of that!

Oh, that is lovely, hit the spot! Oh look, tea leaves!

Oh, oh!
I feel all funny!

The room is spinning!

What was in that tea???

Where has everyone gone? It is now morning, was it all just a dream?
But remember such is life, nothing is ever what it seems!

Thank you so much for coming along, and where ever you are,
please do remember just one thing,

I think that........
Please come by again! Cheerio!