Thursday 28 January 2010

The Adventures to the Snow Roses

Big fella bought up a parcel for us that was placed outside our door. Inside was musical globe with a note:

(Please click to enlarge)

Ohhh! An adventure, on our own!
We looked at what I called the lady of the lake and wound up the musical box, and out came the beautiful song, Moon river!
Big fella was about to sing along when...
Something strange began to happen
ohhh, big fella stop singing, grab wee doggies note and stand back!

A huge beam of light filled the room in a big circle and Flash!
we were on a boat! We were on the moon river!
As we sailed along staring out to sea,singing Moon river of course, suddenly the sky rumbled and glowed

and the sun's reflection was making a big yellow moon in the water! (Ah, so that's why they call it moon river)We were getting closer and closer and the circle opened up! Oh, Oh, we are going to fall down the moon river! AHHHHHHHHH!

Suddenly we landed with a thump on the snow covered ground. " Oh no, there's nothing here!" Big fella moaned. Suddenly there was shaking and rumblings making us all wobbly,

and suddenly mountains and trees leaped up out of the ground, The land of Tir Eira was raising! The trees grow closer and the snow started rising up!
Trees sprouted up every where and in the distance we heard a roar.
Look ! The waves of the snow seas are coming!!
We ran as fast as we could clutching each others hands, but the waves were catching up!Whoooa!!!!
The snow waves puffed off our bodies and swept us away.

After trundling along on the waves it was not so frightening and big fella even let out the occasionally "WWeeeeeeeeee!" now and again. We came to a stop by a farm and some sheep. They slowly walked over. One sheep spoke out.
"My name is Defaid. It's Welsh for sheep, if you must ask.You have to play the ice chimes of Rhosyn, that's welsh for Rose, if you want to see her snow roses.
She's very fussy you see. She only likes the sweetest tones and no faffing about! You probably wouldn't know where the ice chimes of Rhosyn was now, would you? You probably would not know about Tom Jones the Great either! Baaaaaa!"

He was a mean old sheep, laughing as he walked away. Of course we know who Tom Jones is. We love Tom. But mean sheep underestimates big fella and my self as we love a challenge and after repeating to each other "Goonies never say Die!!" We went on the hunt. I went to the side of a barn and and was transfixed by the icicles..... .

I found the glass chimes! I asked big fella to do the honours as he has always wanted to be a rock star
He chose the largest ones and played the most beautiful tune with a stick. I was so proud of him i didn't realise we were suddenly........

here. Oh, well done big fella! We got through!

We crunched our feet under the snow as we walked the path and ahead, the Rhosyn Garden's.

But when we got there, the roses were gone!
Then the beautiful tones that big fella played on the glass chimes filled or ears and
the snow roses appeared! They slowly rose up

opened upand bloomed!

Beautiful snow roses everywhere!
I noticed the wee tree standing alone in the distance and that was how we got home.

He looked so lonely all by himself, I made him a snow angel so he would always have someone with him.The tree was so bursting with happiness, he grew really big, before our very eyes and we ran under the branches laughing

and just like that we were in our street back home.
We had a brilliant adventure, but we missed wee doggie of course! Now on to a new adventure. Who has a set of house keys?

Friday 22 January 2010

King of the Oak Tree Adventure

A couple of days ago, Big fella and I thought we would go and visit wee doggie and thank him for the invitation to the Castle of the Cats in Belfast.
We had a cup of tea and he told us the story of the King of the Oak Trees with tales of dancing trees, the protectors of the oak and climbing the highest trees to get there. As wee doggie settled by the fire I blurted out

"Ohhh, can we go to see the King of the Oak Tree?"

"You are disturbing my siesta" he growled.
"Can we go on adventure with you today?" I asked.

"No! I am tired!" Gruffed wee amount of pleading and begging would do,

He would not stop saying no.

He looked woefully up at big fella and said " I do not know how you put up with her. Sigh. I really don't!"
"Alright then, let's go!!"

Through alleyways,

and through secret gardens we went...............and at the secret garden we came to a strange tree.

"Go on then, climb!" Said wee doggie.

"I will lead the way!" and up he bounded as quick as his wee legs would follow him.
So climb we did.
We climbed so far up into the clouds and all you could see was sky!At the top was a clearing, leading on to a wood.
" Come on, quickly! We are nearly there!" said wee doggie as he raced onwards.

We ran up to a grand set of gates.

" We come here to marvel at the mighty King Oak,
Oh yes indeed we do
dear protectors of the mighty oak,
open your gates and let us through!"

wee doggie barked and the gates opened and through we went

as we stared in wonder and awe!"Now, we are in the wood! We just follow the path and we should be there soon!" Wee doggie flew ahead.

"Halt!" Who are you and what do you want here?"
We did not know where the voice was coming from. I knelt against a tree puzzled.

"Ow!! My face!"

I was startled to see the tree talking to me!

"Do not weigh yourself against me if you please, now what do you want?"
We told the tree we were here to view the marvel of the king of the Oak Trees and how wee doggie was with us.

"You can not go past until you dance in honour of the Oak king, it is tradition. One of you must dance." Bellowed the tree.

Well, I certainly can not dance and big fella, well I think they thought he was just another tree, so I called wee doggie over explaining our dilemma.

" So its a dance off you are having then?Well then, hit me with the beat!" Wee doggie put his paw to the floor and I heard the branches circling

the leaves rustle and shake..

and the trees humming, singing and swaying to the sound.

and wee doggie shook his thangg!The trees enjoyed wee doggies moves so much, they began dancing with him!

and twirling their branches around to the beat.

"Come now" gruffed wee doggie, "the light is dimming!"
As we got closer, the trees wore beautiful green velvet moss cloaks to let us know we were near to the King of the Oak Trees.

and soon there he was.

" Be quiet" wee doggie whispered, "He is sleeping!"

We heard the deep sleep breathing rumbling through his big trunk making the ground shake and his weight straining on the metal poles to hold his branches up.
The king of the Oaks name is Allerton and he is 1000 years old!!Soon, we had to leave and the trees waved and kissed us goodbye as we walk back through the wood.

"How do we get down again wee doggie?" Big fella asked.

"We don't. The tree we climbed up disappears once someone goes up. We would not want humans to find out to disturb the Oak King. Just stand still would you?"

Wee doggie began to run in a circle around us very fast and it was all so dizzy.......................

when we found ourselves back home with the kettle brewed and the sweet intoxicating smell of Oak moss filling the air.
I love our adventures with the wee doggie!

PS: I have tried to get more organised with my posts, so I have set up a photography blog, so my Friday Shoot outs will be posted there, with some other pics posted here and there! Cheerio for now!!